A lifelong activist, Dominique Potier has evolved in the associative movement, at the school of a rural youth movement. As a farmer, he created an organic and educational cooperative with 4 partners.
Mayor of Lay Saint Rémy, and President of the Community of Communes of Toulois, he was elected deputy in 2012 and chose to resign from his local mandates to devote himself fully to his new mission.
At the national level, beyond the issues of agro-ecological transition, Dominique Potier is committed to the issues of international regulations. He was rapporteur for the bill on international solidarity policy in 2014, and the bill known as "Sapin 2". Finally, he was the rapporteur for the bill on the duty of vigilance of multinational businesses. Adopted - after a collective fight - in February 2017, this pioneering law is now being emulated around the world and is on the way to becoming a European directive.