Philippe Jahshan holds a master's degree in modern literature and is a graduate of Science Po Paris. For 15 years, he held several positions in NGOs, first as a project manager, then as a geographical manager and finally as a director. At the same time, Philippe Jahshan has held various mandates in civil society groups committed to international solidarity: Secretary of the Euromed France Network between 2005 and 2007, he chaired the F3E between 2010 and 2012. He was also elected administrator of Coordination SUD in 2010, which he represented in Brussels, with European networks and institutions until 2013.
In 2015, he was elected to the presidency of Coordination SUD and appointed in November 2015, member of the Economic, Social and Environmental Council (EESC) on behalf of Coordination SUD. During his mandate at the EESC, he was the rapporteur of an advisory opinion to the government on French development policy in the context of the 2030 Agenda. Philippe Jahshan also sat on the National Council for Development and International Solidarity between 2015 and 2020, on behalf of French NGOs, where he actively contributed to the work on the new law on solidarity development. He was an administrator of AFD between 2015 and 2019.
In October 2016, he was elected President of the Mouvement Associatif where he represented Coordination SUD, and in 2018 submitted a report to the Prime Minister on the policy of support for civil society from which the Government retained 15 measures to support civil society organizations. In this capacity, he sat on the Higher Council for the Social and Solidarity Economy and the French Chamber of the Social and Solidarity Economy until March 2021. He joined AFD in January 2021, at the end of his mandates, where he was appointed Director of the Strategy, Forecasting and Institutional Relations Department.