Human rights. The state of the world by region. 6 Major witnesses
Date & Time
Friday, December 8, 2023, 10:15 AM - 1:00 PM
  • Asia: Jyotsna Mohan, Asia Development Alliance, Regional Coordinator.
    Privatization of agriculture and agribusiness. What human rights impacts for local communities?
  • Latin America: Luz Haro, Network of Rural Women of Latin America and the Caribbean, Executive Secretary.
    Women’s Rights in Rural Areas
  • North Africa and the Middle East: Ayman Mhanna, Samir Kassir Lebanese Foundation, Executive Director.
    Free media, protection of journalists and whistleblowers
  • Sub-Saharan AfricaAndré Franck Ahoyo, General Delegate of the Identity Emergency Africa Fund. 
    Human Rights : between fantasies and realities
  • Eastern Europe: Ksenia Bolchakova, Journalist, Albert Londres Prize Laureate.
    War in Ukraine: humanitarian crisis and regional repercussions on Human rights
  • Western Europe and North AmericaMagali Lafourcade, General Secretary, French National Commission for Human Rights
    Human Rights and Environment Defenders, the shrinking space of civil society
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