Roundtable 2: Focus on local projects and initiatives
Date & Time
Friday, December 8, 2023, 2:30 PM - 4:30 PM
  • Juan Carlos Losada-Vargas, Representative at the Chamber of Representatives, Congress of the Republic of Colombia.
    The implementation of public policies on the right to a healthy environment. The case of Colombia
  • Eleanor Thompson, Namati, Deputy Director.
    Land Law and Grassroots Legal Empowerment, the example of Sierra Leone
  • David Hembrom, Caritas Bangladesh, Regional Director.
    Implementation of the Free Prior Informed Consent for Indigenous Peoples. The example of Bangladesh
  • Alain Nonouka-Gomat, Ministry of Forest Economics. Chief Engineer of Water and Forests and coordinator of the North Congo Forest Landscape Project.
    The example of the project “forest landscape North-Congo”, Republic of Congo
  • Edgar Mora, Minister of Public Education of Costa Rica Mayor (2018-2019) and Mayor of Curridabat (2007-2018).
    Urbanism, environment and nature, pollinators as new citizens. The case of the city of Curridabat, Costa Rica
  • Ewoule Lobe Estelle, Recipient of the Marianne Initiative for Human Rights Defenders, Secretary General APADIME.
    Internally displaced peoples and environmental migrants, the example of Cameroon
  • Victor David, Research Institute for Development, Researcher about environmental rights and sustainable development.
    A formal recognition of the rights of nature, the example of the Loyauté Islands, New Caledonia
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