Luz Haro Guanga, is an Ecuadorian peasant, founder of various organizational processes, romoter of training schools for rural women leaders. In 2010, she received the Manuela Espejo award, awarded by the Metropolitan District of Quito, for supporting the rurality and driving Training Schools.
She currently serves as Executive Secretary of the Latin American and Caribbean Network of Rural Women LAC Network and Principal Member of the Board of Directors of the Ibero-American Network of Municipalities for Gender Equality (RIMIG) leading the axis of Equity of Opportunities in the Rural World and Food Security.
The Network of Rural Women of Latin America and the Caribbean - LAC Network is a social organization founded in Argentina in 1990 and is composed of more than 200 organizations of Rural Women of Latin America. It carries the voice of the nearly 60 million rural women of the Americas. REDLAC aims to promote the effective citizen and political participation of rural women. Therefore, it designed a Political Agenda that elaborated a key proposal to dignify the countryside: the Declaration of the Decade of Rural Women. Various organizations and institutions support the LAC-RED such as UN Regional Women, FAO, WFP and UNDP Gender Area, among others. This proposal from Red LAC came to the Organization of American States - OAS that approved the project of the "Inter-American Decade for the Rights of All Women, Adolescents and Girls in Rural Settings of the Americas" to be developed in the period 2024 - 2034.