Ksenia Bolchakova is French-Russian. Born in Russia, she arrived in France at the age of 3 when her father was transferred. Ksenia was the correspondent of the Russian newspaper Pravda in Paris. After studying journalism at Sciences Po Paris, she moved to Moscow where for 6 years she worked as a correspondent for many news channels and for Arte. Back in France, at the end of 2015, after 4 years with the program “7 to 8”, she joined the Capa agency as a director. She co-directed the film «Wagner, the shadow army of Putin » broadcasted on France 5 which earned her the Albert London Prize in 2022, the FIGRA grand prize and the DIG AWARDS grand prize for investigation. In May 2022, Ksenia directed another documentary for ARTE, "Ukraine, the End of the World", which won the Louise Weiss Prize for European Journalism 2023. In April 2023, her shocking documentary, co-directed with Veronika Dorman, «Russie, un peuple qui marche au pas / Russia, a people that keeps in step», broadcasted on France 5, takes stock of Russian society, one year after the invasion of Ukraine.