Le 7 Juin 2023 à partir de 18h30 au Grand Salon et sur nos rooftops. François et Jean-Etienne Matton seront présents et se réjouissent de partager avec nous ce moment de convivialité.

Nous vous attendons nombreux pour célébrer l'arrivée de cette belle maison au sein de Moët Hennessy.

Moët Hennessy SAS processes your personal data based on its legitimate interest in allowing you to record, in the context of its ”Animal" campaign. Your data is shared with its internal communication department and with its digital agency involved in the communication campaign. Your data can be transferred outside European Economic Area with appropriate safeguards. You have a right of access, rectification, erasure and portability of your data and a right to object to the processing or ask for its restriction. You also have the right to establish instructions for the management of your data after death. These rights can be exercised : 1) for rectification, by sending an e-mail to and 2) for other rights by writing at “Data Protection Officer – 38 rue de Sèvres – 75007 Paris” or by sending an e-mail to You have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority.